Sales Advisor - Food products


Easter, 16 hours Temporary Contract. Easter starts early here and we need you - a confident, focused, and friendly Easter Sales Advisor to join our stores team and help us bring joy to our customers. • You will learn all about our range of products including how we sell • Working with the team to support with deliveries and stock, making sure the delivery area is kept clear and tidy in line with our health and safety guidelines and maintaining the appearance of the store and café areas. • If your store has a café area, you will be preparing hot and cold drinks, ice creams and snacks according to our guidelines and processes while adhering to our allergens, quality, and health and safety standards.


  • You don’t need to have retail experience to work here, however we do ask that during your time with us, you commit to being a true brand ambassador and support where you can to the success of the store and your team.



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For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)(Regulation (EU) 2016/679 you consent to the company holding and processing personal data including sensitive personal data of which you are the subject, details of which are specified in the companies’ data protection policy. This will include marketing images.